Feathering my nest


Having a happy morning, drafting patterns and stacking fabric, when I discovered that I had created a little fabric nest for myself.


Found myself obsessed with this fabric combo. Will make something lovely with it, soon, I hope.


Fabric stacking soundtrack. The music also serves to distract me from the neighbor’s noisy pool, which is mere feet away from my window. Ah, suburbia.


Realized that I had the perfect spot to store/display my colanders. Happy kitchen colors! Now, I just need a rug to match…


It’s the middle of July, 90 degrees outside, and I’m drinking homemade hot cocoa. Life is good. (Gorgeous quilted placemat by Jolene, from the SUTK swap)


And speaking of feathers…look who decided our hanging fern was a nice spot for a nest. Sweet mama dove is really braving it out in that nest, it gets so hot there in the afternoons.


Happy nest feathering to you!

Settling In


It's hard to believe, but here I am, already moved into my new house in Indiana. My mom drove up from Florida to help us get settled in (thanks, Mom!) so we are now about halfway out of boxes. Indiana is gorgeous, the weather is hot (yay, a real summer!), and I love my new house. I was excited that the space we decided on for my sewing room is a nice size, but not so much that it was the color of a watermelon--bright green on two walls, hot pink on the others.


Yeah. Good thing Mom brought her painting gear.

It took what seemed like forever to decide what color to paint my room. Blue is one of my favorite colors, and there are so many gorgeous blue craft rooms these days, Photobucket like this one and this one. But my new room doesn't get great light, and I was worried that it would look a bit like an aquarium in there.

After putting up a couple of swatches, I decided on a pretty peachy pink, called Ballet Slipper Pink by Martha Stewart, mixed at 50% strength. It looked a little dingy at full strength, but brightened right up with a bit of white in it (the photo to the left compares the two).

I think it will be a great background color and it is so relaxing and retro. Peach + turquoise might be my new favorite color combo (see below). Added bonus: my room no longer glows kryptonite green.

After a couple of days of unpacking boxes, I got a fun surprise. Photobucket My sweet old teddy bear, Apricot, said Hello after her long voyage from Wisconsin. I've had her since I was a wee tot of 5 or 6, but I had forgotten that she was tucked away somewhere in my belongings as I hadn't seen her for some time.

And when I picked her up to give her a little squeeze, I realized that she is exactly the same color as my new walls. No wonder I feel a little twinge of nostalgia whenever I go into my sewing room.

There is still tons of work to do to put my space together, but I'm enjoying the process. I hope to show you my sewing spot once I find a new chair (Pink Thrifty Chair that I found for $9.00--I know!--pictured below is a bit too short). I've been searching since we came here and I have had no luck finding a sturdy enough chair whilst lurking about in local antique shops. Ah, well. I suppose I'll just have to keep shopping...


More to come very soon!

Happy stitching,

P.S. Thanks so much for everyone's kind e-mails and to those who left suggestions of things to do in Indiana. I’m lucky to have moved to such a fun state and I cannot wait to hit the road and really get to know the place!